Sunday, April 17, 2011

As Trekkers in Zion - Google Maps

As Trekkers in Zion - Google Maps

You can view our most up to date trek map by going to this link and clicking on 'My Maps' and then on 'As Trekkers in Zion' map. OR you can just go to the map page on this site. We are clippin' right along!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What this Blog is All About

Ready! Set! Trek!
The youth in our ward are preparing for a trek this summer. Some parents will go with them but what about the rest of us? Would we be able to do what the youth will be doing at trek? Are we prepared for our own challenges ahead?

As a presidency, we've been thinking it might be beneficial, and fun, for all of us to prepare ourselves along with the youth whether or not we actually go on 'Trek'. Why not work together to help the whole ward be prepared for the 'Trek' of life'? We can all make improvements somewhere, right?

In this blog we want to unite us all in getting ready for trek...We are concentrating a lot on the 'physical' part of that right now because it can be pretty challenging for some of us. But we want to also focus on the spiritual. Spiritual and physical things are often closely connected. We hope this blog will help us all fulfill the purposes of the Relief Society which are: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need. It's for the strength of us all!

Get ready to contribute to this blog! Share your experience in physical and spiritual fitness and in emergency preparedness. Tell us what works for you, what doesn't work or post a question or challenge you are facing and find out what others have done to overcome or defeat a similar problem.

Get ready to step up the pace whether it be exercising more or studying the scriptures more or working harder on a goal or dream you'd really like to acheive.

Get ready and set new goals!

Get ready to join with your family, join a friend or group and start walking or exercising together. Or just go it on your own. But share your progress with us!

Get ready to keep track of your exercise and add a comment here on the blog about how many miles you've walked this week or how many hours you've worked out and we'll put our 'miles' together end to end to make our virtual Trek from Europe to Salt Lake City.

1. Set your goals.
2. Set up some way of keeping track of what you are actually doing to reach those goals like in a journal. See 'How Far Have you Trekked' page to help you convert any exercise into 'miles'.
3. Report your progress to us once a week or so. We don't want to turn this into a competition...think of it as something we are doing together. Just contribute what you can. We are all at different stages in our lives and some can do more than others. Take joy in any progress anyone makes!

Now Trek! And keep on Trekkin'!

As you report we'll convert your exercising into 'miles' for our virtual 'trek' from Europe to Salt Lake City. We'll put all our 'miles' together end to end and put them on the map to keep track of our overall progress. See the 'Trek Map' page to view it.

And don't forget to post your questions, comments, suggestions, and experiences. Make us laugh, make us cry, make us dig in! WE CAN DO IT!

We love you all and really want this to be a place where we can come together as sisters in Zion. It really is FOR THE STRENGTH OF US ALL!

--The 12th Ward RS Presidency